
Knowledge Base

White papers, blog posts, and other insights, advice, and happenings from XOVOX related to call recording practices: from retrieval, migration, and consolidation, to compliance, eDiscovery, AI, and more.

The Legacy Voice Data Decision

Many companies that record voice traffic are required to store the date for five or more years. But what if you upgrade your recorder? What should you do with your…
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The Voice Recording Regulatory Landscape

The banking and insurance industries are subject to some of the world’s most stringent and prescriptive records retention requirements. And it is getting more challenging every day, particularly for voice…
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Record Keeping For Compliance

This is the first in a series of articles about enterprise-level voice data. Here we discuss compliance. Subsequent articles will address record keeping regulations, data normalization, data consolidation and AI.…
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Let us find a solution for you

XOVOX are the experts in voice data. We specialize in finding elegant solutions to difficult and esoteric problems.
Electrical Science became XOVOX in 2023.
XOVOX is pronounced "ex-oh-vox".